Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fashion Newbies Take Center Stage


I have been reading alot about the staying power of fashion designers given our horrible economy and how new designers such as Jason Wu (amazing btw and love his stuff) and actually growing their business in this type of economic environment. I recently read in WWD how Wu was actually riding the wave of his fame that the Michelle Obama gave him for wearing that almost princess like gown to the inaguration ball. Recently bought a 9,000 sq studio in downtown NY. Seeing this types of newcomers actually making it and competing with the big dogs of Donna Karan and Oscar, gives us, or the budding fashion generation after them !!


Catalina said...

I am always fasinated how the newcomers in fashion are making it in this rough economy. However,I think a major part of Wu's success is the publicity that he recieved Michelle Obama.

D.C. said...

It is interesting how fashion is still beating through this rough time. Maybe it is because fashion is something people can cling to or escape to. I wonder if Wu will be able to keep his new success alive.

Alyssa said...

I understand where people ar coming from. I lov clothes way to much to ever give up a certain designer due to lack of mone. I thnk i would just manage my money more and save for the thing i reallywant.